Lethal Weapon “Flight Risk” Review


Tonight’s episode involves a robbery on a plane. The thief turns out to be the father of the flight attendant. He steals a briefcase full of diamonds and the owners go after him and his daughter. He is estranged from his daughter and she believes he’s a bad father.

Riggs gets rid of some of his stuff at a pawn shop, including a rifle his dad gave him and taught him how to shoot. Later on, the same rifle was used to rob a liquor shop. Santos and Avery confront him about it, but he tells them he got rid of the rifle. We get the feeling that his childhood wasn’t the best. At the end, Riggs discloses to Cahill that not only was the rifle given to him by his dad; it was also the rifle that shot him.

Avery might get fired if he doesn’t show that he’s in control of his employees. He asks Riggs and Murtaugh to help him out and show him some respect from now on; but they can’t make any promises. After working on the case with the boys, Santos tells Avery that it’s not about firing him, rather saving his life. She tells him she doesn’t understand how anyone could work with those lunatics and that if he wants to be moved to another precinct, he only has to inform her. However, he tells he couldn’t quit because Riggs and Murtaugh are his lunatics.

Murtaugh has trouble being friends with his daughter. He thinks she’s distant and doesn’t talk to him anymore. When she gets arrested for protesting animal cruelty at the zoo, his dream comes true of interrogating her to know everything going on with her. However, that quickly turns into a nightmare when Rianna tells him that he’s not cool anymore and that her friends no longer come to the house because of him. Murtaugh tries to have dinner with her but she can’t because she’s going out with her friends. However, she decides to invite them over and watch a movie, which makes Murtaugh feel better (and make a couple of dad jokes).

Tonight’s episode is in line with the season so far as it keeps dealing with character development mainly. It was particularly emotional tonight. It mostly deals with fatherhood as Riggs deals with flashbacks of his bad father. Our thief also turns out to be a bad dad. And Murtaugh struggles with connecting with his daughter. There are a lot of stories to be told about Riggs’ childhood and it will be interesting to learn more about him through his conversations with Cahill.

Let me know your thoughts about tonight’s episode in the comments below!


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