
Lethal Weapon “Flight Risk” Review


Tonight’s episode involves a robbery on a plane. The thief turns out to be the father of the flight attendant. He steals a briefcase full of diamonds and the owners go after him and his daughter. He is estranged from his daughter and she believes he’s a bad father.

Riggs gets rid of some of his stuff at a pawn shop, including a rifle his dad gave him and taught him how to shoot. Later on, the same rifle was used to rob a liquor shop. Santos and Avery confront him about it, but he tells them he got rid of the rifle. We get the feeling that his childhood wasn’t the best. At the end, Riggs discloses to Cahill that not only was the rifle given to him by his dad; it was also the rifle that shot him.

Avery might get fired if he doesn’t show that he’s in control of his employees. He asks Riggs and Murtaugh to help him out and show him some respect from now on; but they can’t make any promises. After working on the case with the boys, Santos tells Avery that it’s not about firing him, rather saving his life. She tells him she doesn’t understand how anyone could work with those lunatics and that if he wants to be moved to another precinct, he only has to inform her. However, he tells he couldn’t quit because Riggs and Murtaugh are his lunatics.

Murtaugh has trouble being friends with his daughter. He thinks she’s distant and doesn’t talk to him anymore. When she gets arrested for protesting animal cruelty at the zoo, his dream comes true of interrogating her to know everything going on with her. However, that quickly turns into a nightmare when Rianna tells him that he’s not cool anymore and that her friends no longer come to the house because of him. Murtaugh tries to have dinner with her but she can’t because she’s going out with her friends. However, she decides to invite them over and watch a movie, which makes Murtaugh feel better (and make a couple of dad jokes).

Tonight’s episode is in line with the season so far as it keeps dealing with character development mainly. It was particularly emotional tonight. It mostly deals with fatherhood as Riggs deals with flashbacks of his bad father. Our thief also turns out to be a bad dad. And Murtaugh struggles with connecting with his daughter. There are a lot of stories to be told about Riggs’ childhood and it will be interesting to learn more about him through his conversations with Cahill.

Let me know your thoughts about tonight’s episode in the comments below!



Lucifer “Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen” Review



As the title suggests, tonight’s episode focuses on Maze (finally!). She gets bored with bounty hunting in LA since there’s no challenge anymore and runs off to Canada to hunt down Rivers, a conman on the cops’ wanted list. Chloe gets worried about Maze but Lucifer thinks she’s going to be okay and that she needed to go away for some time.

Maze is dealing with the fact that she wants more out of life but she doesn’t have a soul. This episode largely deals with the fact that she acts like someone who has a soul. She saves the life of her target after he’s shot. We also see that she cares about Trixie, Chloe’s daughter.

Throughout the episode, Chloe acts like Maze’s overprotective mother and worries about her. She tells Lucifer about her concerns but he doesn’t believe that Maze needs any help. However, he realizes that Maze has changed when he sees her fluffing her target’s pillow before getting the bullet out of him. He decides to follow her to Canada; however, Chloe has already sent Dan for backup, who was on his way to a vacation in Hawaii. They interview a guard who “witnessed” the murders that Rivers committed and realize that he’s innocent and that lieutenant Herrera, the one on the case, is actually responsible for the fake testimony. It’s important to note that Lucifer and Chloe play a minor role (for once) in this episode.

At the end of the episode, Rivers suggests that Maze comes with him since he cannot stop running because Herrera had bosses. However, she declines the offer and goes back home because it turns out she has roots and she misses them. Rivers warns Maze that they’re going to come after her; and we get a cut scene of someone putting documents in Maze’s file in a cabinet that also has files on Lucifer, Amenadiel and Charlotte among others. We can’t help but wonder if that’s the sinnerman’s doing.

Tonight’s episode was a good change of pace, especially since it didn’t focus on the main characters and gave Maze her well-deserved spotlight. We finally got to see Maze again and she came back home. The episode focused on Maze and what makes her human or a soulless demon. Maze realized that what she wanted more out of life was already there but she didn’t realize it. Maze wanted a soul but maybe she doesn’t need one after all. Maze has definitely changed after tonight. It’s going to be interesting to see where this character development leads and how Lucifer deals with it.

Let me know your thoughts on tonight’s episode in the comments below!



Arrow “Fallout” Review


What do all Arrowverse shows have in common? Bad follow-ups to finale cliffhangers. This wasn’t particularly a bad episode, but the way they dealt with the aftermath of the Lian Yu explosion wasn’t impressive. So let’s get straight to it: Diggle, Felicity, Dinah, Rene, Curtis and Quentin all made it out alive. Also alive are Slade, Nyssa and Black Siren. Talia and Evelyn’s fate are still unknown. Thea is alive but comatose. And the only confirmed death was of Samantha’s. So, as we can see, there were no real fallout.

Team Arrow is still unchanged. However, some members have issues to deal with. Oliver now has William to take care of. It’s a difficult task, especially since William blames him for Samantha’s death. Oliver believes he’d be better off with Samantha’s parents, however, he made a promise to her that he would be his father. Diggle seems to be dealing with some trauma from the explosion. He’s hesitating to shoot/missing his target. It seems to be some sort of PTSD mixed with a possible injury from the blast. Dinah and Quentin lied about Black Siren’s death because Quentin had to shoot her to save Dinah’s life. It’s important to point out that Dinah is Team Arrow’s rock. Lance trusts her to keep his secret and have his back. She notices Diggle’s problems and confronts him. And honestly, she’s the only other person from the team other than Green Arrow to literally kick ass in this episode.

Black Siren is the episode’s main villain, as she blows up the police station, killing nine. She also manages to go after the Arrow cave. It’s revealed towards the end that she was after one of Curtis’ T-spheres. She is also working for someone, although it is not revealed yet who he might be.

Slade’s evolution from friend to enemy to frenemy is remarkable. Slade informs Oliver that he found the whereabouts of his son, with help from the lead that Olly gave him. He is heading towards Calgary to find him. Slade gives Oliver some much-needed good advice on how to deal with William, as well.

The best part of the episode comes at the end when Felicity tells Oliver to turn the TV on to channel 52 news (we’re in the Rebirth era guys, are we really still doing this?!) and there’s a picture of him in the Green Arrow suit. It’d be nice for his secret to be completely out and have the mayor also be the city’s protector; however, he probably will find a way to defend that photograph.

(Here’s to hoping that this season’s main villain is as good as Deathstroke and Adrian Chase *fingers crossed*)

Let me know your thoughts on tonight’s episode in the comments below!


DC’s Legends of Tomorrow “Aruba-Con” Review



Rip Hunter formed the Time Bureau to deal with the “anachronisms” that happened as a result of what the legends did last season. He disbands the legends and so they have to go back to their normal, boring lives. Sara receives a call from Rory informing her that he found Julius Caesar in Aruba. She gathers up Ray and Nate and they go to the Time Bureau office but they get arrested. Rip informs Nate that Amaya went back to her time but that it was her decision. The legends feel like losers at the bureau and their ship has been turned into a simulator.

Rip sends a team of agents to Aruba to apprehend Caesar and Rory but instead they get a fake Caesar and the legends are told to leave. Nate finds a real gold coin from Caesar’s time on Rory and they decide to steal the ship and do the job themselves. However, the ship is damaged and they have to seek out Jackson and Stein for help. Stein is reluctant to go because his daughter is pregnant, but they convince to do this mission. They find Caesar on the beach in Aruba and Sara fights him one-on-one and beats him. Sara decides to let the bureau handle Caesar’s return to his time. However, she changes her mind and decides to drop him off personally after an impassioned speech by Caesar.

Caesar manages to grab one of Nate’s book about Rome’s history before leaving the ship, and that changes history. This leaves the legends with no America to return to. The Time Bureau falls into a trap when they try to retrieve the book and one of their agents is caught. The legends FINALLY suit up and go to save the day, and Agent Sharpe. Rip allows Sara and the team to keep the waverider. Agent Sharpe disagrees with him but he thinks the legends are needed for the big threat that is yet to come. All we know about that threat is that it’s called “Mallus”. Rory decides to stay with the team, and Stein decides to stay since he dragged Jackson into this and doesn’t feel right abandoning him now. At the end, we see Amaya back in Zambezi, protecting her village.

Tonight’s episode was not the best but a fun one nonetheless. It was a good way to deal with the mess left behind after last season’s finale. However, we only got to see the legends in costume towards the end. This show keeps embracing the fun and absurd side that it’s often associated with, and that makes it work even better. The episode kept alternating between fun and emotional moments. We are left to wonder who is Mallus, and whether the Time Bureau will be an ally or a constant annoyance to the legends.

Let me know your thoughts on tonight’s episode in the comments below!


Lethal Weapon “Born to Run” Review


Riggs and Palmer are invited over to the Murtaughs for dinner; and of course, it gets awkward. Palmer says she’s considering moving to LA permanently, and Riggs kind of asks her to move in with him. However, the boys have to leave because there has been a murder involving a famous singer’s bodyguard.

Riggs figures out that Shaye, the singer was having an affair with her bodyguard. They ask if anyone knew about it. She tells them her boyfriend had no idea. They go to question him at his work, as a wedding photographer, but they find him sleeping with a bridesmaid. Shaye confronts him and ends up kicking him off the balcony. Santos scolds the boys about dropping someone off a balcony and puts them on babysitting duty, watching the singer. Riggs notices bruises on Shaye’s shoulder and arm, and confronts her about them. She alludes that her manager is responsible and she can’t get away from him since she’s dependent on him. Riggs confronts the manager and punches him in the face. Santos reprimands him on his actions and gives him the rest of the day off. Palmer asks Riggs about his fist and he lies to her at first, but then tells her truth. She asks him if he wants to talk about it but he freaks out about it, and messes things up.

Roger and Trish are at odds because he crashed her work meeting to ask her for a favor. The manager has got a hold on Shaye and she’s too scared to tell the cops the truth, making it harder to solve the case. Riggs and Murtaugh find out the name of a suspect, who just got out of prison after being convicted for vehicular manslaughter, and confront Shaye about it. She tells them he was her first boyfriend and that she was the one responsible for the accident. Shaye is abducted by him. He tapes her hand to the steering wheel of a car, and they are streaming the whole thing online. He tells everyone that Shaye was responsible for the accident that he went to prison for. Riggs and Murtaugh stop the car just before it’s about to be driven off a cliff. They get them out, however, the car is about to go down the cliff and Phil, the manager is in the trunk. Riggs goes in to help him and makes sure he confesses that he hurt Shaye before getting him out. Shaye ends up going to jail for the vehicular manslaughter that she committed years ago.

The precinct gets a new member in Bowman, an attractive guy, who gets on Murtaugh’s nerves. However, he ends up proving useful in the case, and becomes Bailey’s new partner. Palmer tells Riggs that she didn’t think she would ever get bothered by someone again but she has and thanks him for that. However, she tells him she wouldn’t want to change him and he’s not the type of guy to talk about feelings and stuff. 

Tonight’s episode is yet another example of all the character development going on this season, especially with Riggs. Riggs and Murtaugh are a better team now; there’s definitely less carnage left by them this season. It was disappointing not to have Avery in this episode, especially after all the fun stuff he did last episode. Riggs and Palmer’s relationship seems to have been put on hold for now, but hopefully not for long, since he seemed to be a better person when she’s around. It was a lovely touch when Riggs told Shaye that he hopes she knows that she didn’t deserved what her manager did to her. This episode wasn’t that special, but still a good one.

Let me know your thoughts on tonight’s episode in the comments below!
